How Do Shaivas and Vaishnavas
The Shaivas and Vaishnavas,
the followers of Shiva and Vishnu, differ mainly in name and in some
forms. They share the same basic beliefs, like karma, and the same
basic practices like puja (ritual), mantra and meditation. Shiva is
considered to be the best devotee of Lord Vishnu and Vishnu is
considered to be the best devotee of Lord Shiva.
Generally speaking, Vishnu
represents the benign and approachable form of the Deity, who is
worshipped more in the cities and plains of India, and Shiva
portrays the more transcendent and transformative form of the Divine
worshipped more in the mountains and villages. Dualistic and
non-dualistic forms of philosophy can be found among both groups, as
well as every form of yogic practice.