But certain facts indicate more, clearly as to where
his, original home was:
(I ) The Baudhayanas and the followers of the
Taittiriya School confined themselves to the Deccan, and are not found
among the indigenous sub-division of the Brahmins in Central and
Northern India;
(2) The evidence of the land grants of the southern
dynasties so greatly in favor of the above, for many of them stand in
the name of Baudhayanaya's. Bukkaraya, the King of Vijayanagara, whose
date has been supposed to be 1354-55 A.D. (or 1276 Saka Era), granted
to a Brahmana studying the Baudhayana-Sutra in a village in Mysore for
his maintenance;
(3) An inscription of the ninth century A.D. of
‘Nandivarman Pallavamata, 34
shows the names of many recipients of the royal bounty, some of whom
are termed Brahmins of the Pravachana-Sutra and some as followers of
Apastamba. 35
The Grhya-Sutra of Baudhayana mentions him as the
'Pravachanakara‘ and hence the above Pravachana Sutra refers to the
book of Baudhayana. The lands granted by King Nandivarman are situated
near the Palar River in the present Chittur District of the Madras
Besides this, the fact that Madhava Savana, the great
commentators, was Baudhayanaya's and that Baudhayana uses the Andhra
recension of the Taittiriya Aranyaka, his frequent mention of voyages
and his injunction of duty payable on goods imported by sea show
clearly that he lived near the sea on the East Coast of the Deccan
Peninsula, and belonged to the Andhra country. 36