The son of an unmarried girl is regarded as heir to
the property of his grandfather. In support of the above, Vasishtha
quotes the opinion of his predecessors, ‘If an unmarried daughter
bears a son begotten by a man of equal caste, the maternal grandfather
has a son through him; he shall offer the funeral cake and take the
wealth of his grandfather’. 124
The sixth kind of son recognised as an heir to the
property is the male child secretly born in the house.125
These six kinds of children are admitted into society as legal heirs.126
The other kinds of sons that are counted as member, of the family, are
the son of a Sahodhat, the w1opted son, the son bought, the self-given
son, the son cast-off, the son of a woman of Sudra-caste.127
‘ These six,’ he declares, ‘ are kinsmen, not heirs.128
The nuptial presents of the mother are inherited by the daughters.129
The system of Niyoga is admitted by Vasishtha, and
according to him the son of a widow belongs to both her husbands and
not only to her former husband. A widow shall sleep on the ground for
six month, after the loss of her husband, practising religious vows
and abstaining from pungent condiments and salt. ‘After the
completion of six months she shall bathe and offer a funeral oblation
to her husband.
Then her father or her brother shall assemble the
gurus who taught or sacrificed for the deceased and his relatives, and
shall appoint her to raise issue to her deceased husband ;130
but a mad, ill-conducted or diseased or aged widow is forbidden to
be appointed.131
‘ If she was appointed, the child belongs to both the males
connected with the appointment ‘.132
So Vasishtha allows a widow to re-marry after an
interval of six months, during which time she has to lead an ascetic
life. Young women, if they were not given in marriage by their
guardians at the proper time, could choose for themselves and marry. 133
In Vasishtha we find a reference to child- marriage, ‘Woman who is
married pregnant. where he says, ‘ Let the father marry his daughter
while she still runs about naked. For, if she stays in the house after
her marriageable age, sin falls on the father’.134