He considers himself to be a child of the Kali Yuga,
the age of sin, and says distinctly 73
that on account of the unsatisfactory condition of society and
transgression of rules, no Rishis are born among, the Avaras [later
generations] and he refers repeatedly to the weakness and of the
Avaras and contrasts their deviations from moral laws with the
holiness of the ancient sages, who were able to commit various
forbidden acts without diminishing their spiritual Merit. 74
The Sutras of Apastamba are traditionally believed to
be later than those of Baudhayana and earlier than those of
Hiranyakesin. The similarity and identity of many of the Sutras, the
adherence of Apastamba to later doctrines, and his caveat in favour of
the older customs all support the above presumption.
Apastamba differs from Baudhayana in certain points