‘If there, is a son of equal caste and a son of a
wife of the next lower caste, the son born of the wife of the next
lower caste may take the share of the eldest, provided he is endowed
with good qualities'. 62
A daughter has no right to inheritance, even where she is the only,
child of the family. It is her son who can inherit the property.
‘The male child born of a daughter, after an
agreement has been made, one must know to be the son of an appointed
daughter (Putrika-putra); any other male offspring of a daughter they
call a daughter’s son, dauhitra. 63
It is evident from the above that the legal, significance of ‘
Putrika’ is still retained, though a Putrika, as an only daughter,
could not inherit the property. The son of such a daughter has to
offer funeral cakes ‘first to his mother, the second to her father
and the third to his father’s father '.64
Sons of every description were admitted into society:
they were, of the following designations: Aurasa, Kshetraja Datta,
Krtrima, Gudhaja, Apaviddha, Kanina, Sahodha, Krita, Paunarbhava,
Svayamdatta, Nishada, and Parasava.