Awaken Bharata
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley

The law of duality - light and dark, truth and falsehood, happiness and sorrow-prevails in manifestation. It proceeds through two orders of being, the Gods or beings of light, peace and knowledge, and the Demons or Anti-Gods, the beings of darkness, violence and ignorance. Human beings exist between these two forces and two types of entities. We can ally ourselves with the Divine force and work to further cosmic evolution and the unfoldment of light and consciousness in the world.

Or we can ally ourselves with the undivine force and work to obstruct cosmic evolution and prevent the unfoldment of light and consciousness in the world. The undivine powers work in imitation or pretence of the Divine because they have no independent creativity. They create false Gods and false teachings and try to drag us down into desire, greed and ambition.

Hence discrimination between these two forces is not always a simple matter. It demands our deepest attention, our greatest sincerity, and our utmost selflessness. As we evolve in consciousness we must move even beyond lesser Gods until we sacrifice all to the highest Divinity, the Self of all.

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