Awaken Bharata
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
Jesus Christ is not an eternal truth like love or consciousness but a particular human manifestation. Such an historical person can only be relevant for a particular time and community. The idea of an only son of God violates the truth that all souls are sons of God in essence. It shows a personality fixation and a religion based upon a limited personality cult cannot reflect the impersonal truth. That Jesus was a saintly person is not the issue. To turn a religious leader, whoever it may be, into God's only son must create bias and limitation.

Indeed one could call Christianity "the mother of all cults" because it introduced into the world the idea of an only representative of God whom everyone was required to follow and without whom anyone, however otherwise a decent person, was doomed. It set in motion a religious approach based upon an exclusive personality worship, a magical belief, rather than the seeking of truth and a labor of self-transformation. It created the first conversion based religion that felt it necessary to get all the members of humanity, at the risk of their own damnation, to join it.

This created religion as a political and ultimately military movement to conquer the world for a particular belief. Prior to Christianity religions were mainly local and cultural affairs and did not seek world domination, though they may have had their prejudices and claims to be the highest. Early Christianity introduced the idea of a universal religion based upon one teacher, one belief, one book and excluding others, a one true religion devoid of pluralism, tolerance, or open mindedness, which were denigrated not as virtues but as pagan distortions or even immorality. This led to an effort to eliminate all other beliefs from humanity or to subordinate them to Christianity.

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