limited human beings we are hardly ready for a perfect spiritual
science anyway and may require lesser truths in order to help lead
us there by stages. For this reason many religious teachings have
only a preliminary value and must be discarded as we evolve, however
useful at some stage they may be. Some
religions are entirely the products of ordinary human beings and
reflect the religious urge as it occurs in the ego-bound
personality, trapped in a bodily identity.
Such religions usually look for
bodily immortality in some heaven that is little more than a
glorified life on Earth replete with sensory enjoyments. Some
religions are the products of half-enlightened human beings. These
may reflect various subtle worlds as their goal, abodes of refined
perception and angelic grace, but remain trapped in a subtle ego and
desire. Only a few religious teachings are the products of
enlightened sages, Self-realized yogis beyond all egoistic
distortions. These direct us to a goal beyond any bodily or worldly
Yet fewer teachings reflect the
teachings of numerous enlightened sages, containing the full
spiritual possibilities for all different creatures, and not
imposing any stereotyped path on anyone. Our
human nature is so filled with ignorance to such a deep level that
becoming free of all illusion is almost impossible, particularly for
anyone born in ordinary human circumstances. Therefore all
religions, however great, have a shadow of misinterpretation and
misapplication. |