to Hindus
Hindus come from a tradition with an openness to
the eternal and universal religion. They naturally incline to
include all religions within their own and want to make all that is
true in any religion a part of Hinduism. This is not necessarily a
mistake but it can be naive. Hindus commit an excess, if not an
error, when they try to make all religions, including their dogmas,
part of this universal truth. This can sanction the distortions of
human religions as universal truth.
Truth is one. All truths are in harmony with each
other. But all religions are not true and therefore, not being in
harmony with truth, cannot be in harmony with each other. All
religions have various degrees of falsehood that also can become
aligned with one other. Human beings must once more strive to return
to that religion of truth, regardless of how much of human religion
as we know it must be set aside in the process.
In this regard
perhaps most of religion as we know it must be discarded. That we
can find universal truth without challenging religious dogma and
prejudice, by merely mixing all religions together, is absurd.
Nectar mixed with poison becomes poison.
Veda Dharma, Sanatana Dharma, with its universal
and pluralistic formulation, throws a challenge to time-bound,
person-based, or community - centered religions.
Such beliefs should
break down their barriers and expand to the universal, or they
should accept a limited role in a greater religion of truth, in
which their claims to exclusivism must be set aside. To find the one
true religion it is truth that we should seek first not a particular
religion. As the
Rishis have said, "Satyam eve jayate nanritam,"
"Truth alone wins, not falsehood:" this is the statement
of eternity that human history has yet to reach. May all human
beings develop the peace, compassion, and insight to reach that
truth for the benefit of all!