Awaken Bharata
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Books By David Frawley
This One Religion must be similar to an ultimate science, which certainly cannot be limited to any single branch of science, to any particular scientific community, or to science as it exists at any particular point in history, but must include the truth behind and beyond all these. Such an ultimate religion, like an ultimate science, is a goal that we are striving to reach and cannot be identified with the limited attainments of our present, not highly evolved humanity. We must never forget this.

No religion can claim, except out of arrogance, to fully represent this ultimate religion of truth. All manifest religions can at best strive to formulate themselves after this greater unmanifest religion as best they can, which formulation must ever remain incomplete or in process. The thought, therefore, that any one religion in the world is the ultimate religion, is itself a sign that it is not. He who claims to know, does not know. Truth is known to him, who knowing it, does not fall into the arrogance of knowing. This is the principle of the sages.

There is ultimately only one religion, but this is the religion of truth, light and awareness, not a particular creed or doctrine. All human beings, when they become truly conscious, must strive to discover and live according to this universal religion and its boundless laws. Yet when dominated by ignorance and ego they deny or distort the truth for personal ends, including creating ego-bound creeds and dogmas which seek to impose themselves as the true faith by whatever means may be required.

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About Vedic Dharma And The Universal Religion
The One Religion...Pg1
The One Religion...Pg2
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