Awaken Bharata
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
The One Religion of Truth therefore is the religion of the individual. It sees every individual as a unique manifestation of the Divine to be honored, not to be reduced to a preconceived type. Its creed is not uniformity, which is only an outward identity of labels, names and rituals. Its vision is a unity of the inner heart beyond external distinctions, a merging of the many into an inherent oneness, not the sacrifice of the many into an artificial idea of singularity which excludes diversity.

The universal religion does not seek to impose the same beliefs but everyone, but rather allows each soul to find its true nature beyond all limiting externalities. The One Religion of Truth cannot be a monolithic creed but rather must be a fluid and adaptable organic system, as broad and variable as life itself. The universal religion must honor all religious and spiritual inclinations, all valid forms of worship, and every useful method of inner growth. It must embrace all the names and forms of Divinity, personal and impersonal, and yet not be limited by them.

Like the laws of Nature it must have its specific application for every single creature and every different species. Such a universal religion will grant all spiritual and religious practices their appropriate place and not reject anything useful for the development of higher consciousness. It will honor not only the One but the All, not only unity but uniqueness, and in respecting the One in each creature, will not seek to impose itself willfully upon anyone.

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