a belief based upon a charismatic personality, seeking world
domination, offering its followers an eternal reward and those who
don't follow it eternal perdition, is a cult. It is not a peaceful
way of truth, seeking to help and join in with all the noble efforts
of human beings whatever name these may be called or whatever form
they may take. Such strong, singular and exclusive beliefs can be
very powerful but they tend to distort the minds and emotions of
people, making them intolerant, if not brutal, as history so often
has recorded.
If one examines the cults of recent times they
follow a similar model. They project a single charismatic leader who
is the savior of the world, who considers all other religions false
or out of date, who is looking to some imminent end of the world,
who offers great rewards for his followers and threatens great
punishments for those who do not agree with him, and who demands
total and unquestioned loyalty. That this cultish form of
Christianity may be a deviation from an earlier more mystical and
tolerant Christianity is not the issue. It
is the type of Christianity that has been predominant since at least
the time of Constantine, when Christianity first became the official
religion of the Roman Empire in the fourth century.
As for the second religion,
Islam claims that it is the original religion of the One God, Allah,
and of Adam, the original man, as brought to its perfect formulation
through Mohammed, the last of and the completion of the prophets,
such as all Muslims affirm daily in their prayers. In the Islamic
view Islam is the only true religion but in the course of history,
mainly through idol worship invented by devilish forces, human
beings stopped worshipping God and began worshipping external forms.