Dharma: Hinduism and the Universal Religion
There is at least one religion on Earth that has
always based itself upon the idea of a universal religion not
limited by person, revelation, or time-space bound coordinates.
There is a religion not only based upon the idea of an original
universal teaching but named after it. This is the Vedic or Hindu
religion, called Sanatana Dharma or the eternal religion. The Vedic
religion strives to reflect the true and original religion not only
of all humanity but of all creatures, not only of this Earth but of
the entire universe.
It does this by its willingness to hold in itself
all forms of human religious aspiration without boundaries. Vedic
Dharma recognizes both the Divine Unity along with a free and
pluralistic approach to it that can preserve all the spiritual
potentials of humanity. Vedic
Dharma calls itself apaurusheya, beyond the human. It is a religion
that has no founder or beginning but is inherent in the Absolute and
manifests at the beginning of every cycle of creation and is born
with the soul at its every birth.
The Vedic religion is the
religion of light, truth, goodness, wakefulness, and awareness. It
is the religion of the Self, our true nature in consciousness, which
shines like the Sun deep within the hearts of all beings. Studying
this teaching can help us understand the universal religion and
connect to it again at a deeper level. The
Vedic religion speaks of Sarva Dharma Samabhava, a Sanskrit term
meaning that all Dharmas or all truths are inherently in harmony
with one another.