That there is only One true religion behind all
the religions of the world does not mean that all religions as they
have come to exist in the world reflect this universal truth, or
that anything that calls itself a religion must be true. That there
is ultimately only one truth of science, for example, does not mean
that all scientific theories are correct or that all scientists are
good, much less that science today has reached the level of that
supreme science.
All religions on Earth, at least to some degree,
are, if not man made, at least subject to human interpretation which
remains flawed by the inherent limitations of the human mind and
human language. Religions reflect the perceptions of various human
beings in various states and conditions, including the paranormal.
All religions are at best reflections, through the human mind and
heart, of the universal and eternal religion that is impersonal and
stands above all creaturely invention and caprice.
Some human religions contain a greater human
element than others and reflect less of the universal truth. Others
have less of a human element, perhaps very little, but cannot be
entirely free of it either. Religions fixated upon a particular
human being or historical revelation as the final truth tend to be
personal in nature. Some, looking beyond all personalities, are
closer to the universal, yet even these are transmitted by
individual human beings and become colored by their lives and