The Book of
Legends : Itihasas
Along with the Puranas or
books of mythology, are the Itihasas or books of legend.
Like the Puranas they contain myths and legends but their
predomination differs. Two main epics exist, the RAMAYANA,
the epic of Rama and Sita, and the MAHABHARATA, by far the
longest of all these teachings, which is mainly the story of
Rama is also mentioned in the
Persian literature along with the God Vayu (the Wind).
Hanuman, the monkey God and Rama's companion was also the
God of the Wind. His wife Sita is the Goddess of the Earth,
the furrowed ground, from the Rig Veda.
The story of the life of
Krishna is the most dwelt upon subject in the Puranas and
These are not ordinary
legends but refer to the lives of avatars or incarnations of