Other important seer
families were the Bhrigus (associated with Venus) and the Ribhus.
Some Vedic Gods may have also been families of the seers, including
the Maruts, the Adityas and the Ashwins. Each of the seven seer families still
has many descendants in India and elsewhere. They were said to be
the progenitors of the human race.
The head of each of the seer
families was like a Tulku and took many births or passed on his
teaching to many successors who bore his name. Hence Vedic and
Puranic literature is filled with many Vasishtas, Vishwamitras, etc.
The Rig Veda is composed of ten
books (called mandalas in Sanskrit). Seven of the books each relate
primarily to one great seer and the family he belongs to; the second
book belongs to Gritsamada and his family, the Bhrigus; the third
relates to Vishwamitra and his family; the fourth to Vamadeva and
the Gotama family; the fifth to Atri and his family; the sixth to
Bharadvaja and his family; the seventh to Vasishta and his family;
and the eighth to the Kanwas. The first book is a collection of
hymns from seers of different families, mainly earlier ones.