The Upanishads are said to be the cows with Krishna their
milker and the Gita the milk. The basic teachings of the Upanishads
are summed up in six great sayings (Mahavakyas). These are----
"I am Brahman" (Aham
Brahmasmi). This states the identity of the inmost consciousness of
the individual with that of the supreme Divine. The ultimate truth
of Vedic knowledge is not that some great savior is God or the Lord
or that such and such a God or name and form of God is the supreme.
It is not the worship of a person, book, image or idea. It is not
even the worship of God. The Upanishads say that whatever we worship
as truth apart from ourselves destroys us. They teach that our own
Self is the true Divinity, that it is the presence of the absolute
within our heart and all the universe. "The
Self is Brahman" (Ayam Atma Brahma). This also states the
identity of the soul with the Absolute but in a more objective and
less direct manner. Not only is our Self the Divine. It is the same
Self in all beings that is the same Absolute truth. |