"That thou art" (Tat tvam
asi). Whatever we see or think about we are that. Not only is the I
That, the You is also That. We are that ultimate I and Thou in all.
The consciousness in the other is also the Divine.
"Intelligence is
Brahman" (Prajnanam Brahma). Our discernment of truth is the
truth itself. It indicates that the Divine intelligence is present
within us and has the power to return us to the Divine. Our inmost
intelligence is that supreme intelligence through which we can merge
into the Absolute.
"The Universe is Brahman"
(Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma). The entire universe is the Divine, which
includes our self. The Divine is not only the consciousness
principle in you and I, it is also the being principle in all
things. It is the ultimate object as well as the inmost subject in
all beings. It is one and all and all in one.
"He am I" (So'ham). This
shows the identity of the self with the Divine Lord inherent within
the natural movement of our breath. "So" is the natural
sound of inhalation, "ham" of exhalation.
These great sayings are much like the
"I am that I am" of the Bible but more clearly
articulated. They are statements of the identity of the individual
consciousness with the Absolute or Divine reality. They all derive
from and merge into Om, the Divine Word of "I am all".