He symbolizes the enlightened mind and creative
intelligence. He is the Divine creator and transformer. Other important deities are Varuna,
the lord of the cosmic ocean and the Divine judge; Mitra the Divine
friend and lord of compassion and Savitar, the Sun God of creative
Goddesses are Usha, the Goddess of
the Dawn or spiritual aspiration; Saraswati, the Goddess of the
Divine Word, of wisdom and inspiration; Aditi the Goddess of
Infinite Oneness and Wholeness; and Apas, the Cosmic Waters.
Moreover each of the Gods has his consort, like Indra and Indrani,
Varuna and Varunani. Collective deities exist like the Adityas, the
solar deities, the Maruts or Rudras, Gods of the storm, the Ribhus
or Divine craftsmen and the Vishvedevas, literally the universal
Gods who symbolize the unity of all the Gods.
The trinity of later Hinduism, Brahma
the creator, Vishnu the maintainer and Shiva the destroyer is
present in the Rig Veda but behind the scenes. Brahma is Brihaspati,
also called Brahmanaspati, the priest of the Gods.