Active and Passive Therapies
There are two forms of therapies; what could be called "active" and
"passive". A passive therapy is what someone else does to us. An active therapy is what we participate
in or do for ourselves. Active therapies are always stronger than passive ones. Passive therapies
may be necessary in acute conditions but they cannot of themselves bring about real
Our culture itself is excessively passive. We are largely spectators
observing others perform. We let others live our lives and we in turn
watch them on the sidelines or in front of the screen. Our lives have
very little direct experience or creative involvement, which according to Yoga is the only really
liberating or fulfilling factor in life. We let other people tell us what to
do, how to think, who we are, where to go, what to buy. We let others fix
our food, entertain us, tell us how to make love, tell us what God is and
so on. In the same way we let the medical establishment run our health. We follow the idea of health
which others give us, not what we experience for ourselves or discover to be true and effective in
our own lives. If we become the victims of this process there is no
one to blame but ourselves. Just as no one can breathe for us, no
one can make us healthy or happy. Ayurveda holds that there is no
real healer, no magical doctor or magical pill. The magic is in us,
in arousing our own life-force and connecting with our own soul,
the source of life. |