From The River Of Heaven
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Books By David Frawley
The Biological Humors 

According to Ayurveda the human body is ruled by three fundamental life-forces; Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These are often translated as "wind", "bile" and "phlegm". Vata is also often called the biological air-humor, Pitta the biological fire-humor and Kapha the biological water-humor. 

The humors are called "Doshas" in Sanskrit, meaning what spoils or causes decay, as they are not only the forces which produce and sustain the body in their normal condition but those which when out of balance serve to destroy it. Death is inherent in life. Even our normal process of metabolism is not only growing new cells but causing old cells to die and be discarded. Growth and life must eventually turn into decay and death. Health in the body thus consists in the right balance of the creative and destructive forces of the Doshas.

Each of the biological humors is composed of two elements; the first which provides for its primary force, the second which gives a medium for its manifestation.



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About Nature's Medicine : Ayurveda
Nature's Medicine...Pg1
Nature's Medicine....Pg2
Nature's Medicine...Pg3
Self Healing-Pg1
Self Healing-Pg2
Active And Passive...Pg1
Active And Passive...Pg2


The Biological Humors...Pg1
The Biological Humors....Pg2
The Biological Humors....Pg3
The Constitutional Types..Pg1
The Constitutional Types...Pg2
The Constitutional Types...Pg3
The Constitutional Types...Pg4
The Constitutional Types...Pg5
Ayurvedic Anatomy...Pg1
Ayurvedic Anatomy...Pg2
The Six Tastes. Pg1
The Six Tastes. Pg2
Ayurvedic Treatment..Pg1
Pancha Karma
Ayurvedic Massage...
Important Ayurvedic Foods..Pg1
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Important Ayurvedic Herbs..Pg1
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Ayurvedic Preparations
Rejuvenation & Immortality..Pg1
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