Ayurvedic Anatomy and Physiology
Ayurveda has its own system of anatomy and physiology considering not only the gross body
but also the currents of life-force and connections with the subtle body. It recognizes five different
types each of Vata, Pitta and Kapha according to their different sites
and functions in the body.
The Seven Tissues (Sapta Dhatus)
Ayurveda views the body as the development of seven tissues. These are plasma, blood, muscle,
fat, bone, marrow and nerve tissue and reproductive tissue (rasa,
rakta, mamsa, meda, asthi, majja and shukra in Sanskrit).
They form a
concentric circle from the gross to the subtle. Those more gross nourishes
those more subtle which in turn serve to support those more gross. Diseases of the deeper
tissues, like nerve and bone, are usually much worse than those of the superficial, like plasma and