From The River Of Heaven
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
Vata consists of air and ether; air is its active side and ether or space its medium or field of movement. Pitta consists of fire and water; fire is its active side, water or oil is its field of combustion as fire cannot exist directly in the body without destroying it. Kapha consists of water and earth; water is its active force and earth its container. 

Yet the biological humors are not the same as the elements. They are forms of the life-force working through and animating the elements. They are different aspects of the soul. The elements in themselves are inanimate. They are never really alive but can be activated by the biological humors like a wire is by an electric current. 

This life force is reflected from the soul, our eternal being, upon the physical body by the lens of the mind. Hence embodied life is always temporary. What comes from the inanimate elements and is formed of them must return to them. Similarly the life-force which comes from the eternal must eventually return to it.


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About Nature's Medicine : Ayurveda
Nature's Medicine...Pg1
Nature's Medicine....Pg2
Nature's Medicine...Pg3
Self Healing-Pg1
Self Healing-Pg2
Active And Passive...Pg1
Active And Passive...Pg2


The Biological Humors...Pg1
The Biological Humors....Pg2
The Biological Humors....Pg3
The Constitutional Types..Pg1
The Constitutional Types...Pg2
The Constitutional Types...Pg3
The Constitutional Types...Pg4
The Constitutional Types...Pg5
Ayurvedic Anatomy...Pg1
Ayurvedic Anatomy...Pg2
The Six Tastes. Pg1
The Six Tastes. Pg2
Ayurvedic Treatment..Pg1
Pancha Karma
Ayurvedic Massage...
Important Ayurvedic Foods..Pg1
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Important Ayurvedic Herbs..Pg1
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Ayurvedic Preparations
Rejuvenation & Immortality..Pg1
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