Kapha people, those of the biological water-humor, tend towards overweight, are stocky or
well built with good development of tissues. They have white, pale and
moist skin, abundant and thick hair and large eyes. They have constant
appetites but slow metabolism and are intolerant of cold and damp. They
have abundant bodily secretions and often have too much mucus in their systems. They are
slow in movement and find it difficult to get going but possess good endurance and generally
strong immune systems.
Kapha types are calm, stable, devoted, loyal with slow but steady minds and memory. They may
suffer from lethargy, lack of motivation or excess sleep. Their emotional imbalances are towards
greed, attachment and depression. They can be possessive or sentimental.
We should remember in the delineations of the three types that their excess features are
exaggerated for purposes of identification. No one of them is necessarily better or worse than the
others. What is important is to live in harmony with our nature and its
higher potentials, not to try to change it.