From The River Of Heaven
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Books By David Frawley
Self Healing

For this reason, Ayurveda is primarily a system of self-healing. It tells us that what we do for ourselves is more important in correcting our condition than what others may do for us. As the responsibility for creating our condition comes from us, so too must be the responsibility for rectifying it. 

Ayurveda states that how we live everyday is more significant in determining our health than what we do once in a while. An occasional visit to a doctor or health spa to improve our health cannot correct the effects of a long term wrong diet or stressful living. What we eat everyday is more important than what pill or vitamin we take once in a while to compensate for it. 

According to Ayurveda we cannot expect to get well through natural healing methods if our lives themselves are out of harmony with Nature. For this reason, it cannot be used as a palliative measure to maintain our artificial and stressful life-styles. Ayurveda may not help us to continue on as we have been but may insist upon a real change in our manner of living if we wish to really get well.



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About Nature's Medicine : Ayurveda
Nature's Medicine...Pg1
Nature's Medicine....Pg2
Nature's Medicine...Pg3
Self Healing-Pg1
Self Healing-Pg2
Active And Passive...Pg1
Active And Passive...Pg2


The Biological Humors...Pg1
The Biological Humors....Pg2
The Biological Humors....Pg3
The Constitutional Types..Pg1
The Constitutional Types...Pg2
The Constitutional Types...Pg3
The Constitutional Types...Pg4
The Constitutional Types...Pg5
Ayurvedic Anatomy...Pg1
Ayurvedic Anatomy...Pg2
The Six Tastes. Pg1
The Six Tastes. Pg2
Ayurvedic Treatment..Pg1
Pancha Karma
Ayurvedic Massage...
Important Ayurvedic Foods..Pg1
Important Ayurvedic Foods..Pg2
Important Ayurvedic Herbs..Pg1
Important Ayurvedic Herbs..Pg2
Important Ayurvedic Herbs..Pg3
Ayurvedic Preparations
Rejuvenation & Immortality..Pg1
Rejuvenation & Immortality..Pg2