From The River Of Heaven
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
Ayurvedic Preparations

ANJAN: Ayurvedic ointments.

ARISHTA and ASAVA: Ayurvedic herbal wines.

AVALEHA and PRASH: herbal jellies and confections.

BHASMA: specially prepared mineral ashes.

CHURNA: herbal powders.

GHRITA: medicated ghee.

GUGGUL: herbal preparations in myrrh like resin base.

GUTI and VATI: herbal pills.

HIMA: cold infusion.

KALKA: herbal paste.

KVATH: decoction.

PHANT: hot infusion.

RASA: alchemical preparations in purified mercury/sulfur base.

SVARASA: fresh juice of herbs.

TAILA: medicated sesame oil.





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About Nature's Medicine : Ayurveda
Nature's Medicine...Pg1
Nature's Medicine....Pg2
Nature's Medicine...Pg3
Self Healing-Pg1
Self Healing-Pg2
Active And Passive...Pg1
Active And Passive...Pg2


The Biological Humors...Pg1
The Biological Humors....Pg2
The Biological Humors....Pg3
The Constitutional Types..Pg1
The Constitutional Types...Pg2
The Constitutional Types...Pg3
The Constitutional Types...Pg4
The Constitutional Types...Pg5
Ayurvedic Anatomy...Pg1
Ayurvedic Anatomy...Pg2
The Six Tastes. Pg1
The Six Tastes. Pg2
Ayurvedic Treatment..Pg1
Pancha Karma
Ayurvedic Massage...
Important Ayurvedic Foods..Pg1
Important Ayurvedic Foods..Pg2
Important Ayurvedic Herbs..Pg1
Important Ayurvedic Herbs..Pg2
Important Ayurvedic Herbs..Pg3
Ayurvedic Preparations
Rejuvenation & Immortality..Pg1
Rejuvenation & Immortality..Pg2