- Varadaraja Perumal Temple
Maharshi narrated the glory of this Divya desa to Uparisravasu. It is connected
with Moon-god's miserable plight and Mahavishnu's infinite anugrah that restored
former glory to Soma - one of the nine planets. According to mythology,
Dakshaprajapathi realising the eminent position of Moon-god, gave away all his
27 daughters in marriage to him. Although he bestowed attention on all his
spouses, he had a preference for Rohini, the buxom beauty among the bevy of 27
wives, which ended in hopeless infatuation to the extent of abandoning the rest.
The afflicted narrated their woeful tale to their father. He chastised Soma and
asked to have undivided attention. The latter agreed then only to break it, the
next moment.
his impudence, Dakshaprajapathi cursed him to suffer from Rajyakshma -
tuberculosis. It worked on him. With a view to atone, he undertook a pilgrimage
and came at last to Rathnakooda sthalam in Palasaranyam. With the blessings of
Somavartha Maharshi, he built an asram here and propitiating Lord Vishnu
observed several austerities, like standing amidst Panchagnis in the height of
summer and neck deep water in winter. Mahavishnu appearing before him passed his
hand all over the body. The disease disappeared like snow before the Balabhaskara.
And he once again appeared in his original splendour. Then the Moon-god for the
benefit of manavaali requested the Lord to remain eternally, which was sealed
with instant approval. Hence the existence of Varadaraja Perumal here, and later
a beautiful temple was built by devout kings. The Moolavar is called variously
as Varadaraja Perumal and Manikoodanayakan. He is giving darsan in standing
posture facing east. The Mother is called Tirumagal Natchiar. Kartaka Vimana
adorns the garbha griha. And the temple Pushkarini, Soma I'ushkarini. Agamic
puja is offered with great devotion. Tirumangai Alwar offered floral verses
numbering ten to this Lord on his visit.
lies about 1 km off Sirkali, the famous temple town of Tamilnadu, accessible by