Skanda is the second son of Shiva
and Parvati. He is the war God, the Hindu equivalent of Mars and Ares.
He was created by all the Gods to lead the heavenly hosts and destroy the demons.
He is the most masculine and fierce of all the Gods. He is also fire, Agni and is
very Pitta (fiery) in nature. While Ganesh removes all obstacles, Skanda bestows all spiritual
powers, particularly the power of knowledge.
His other names are Kartikeyya, Guha, Shadannana or Shanmukha, as he has six faces. He is
also called Sanat Kumara, the eternal child.
Vishnu is Narayana, the Cosmic Man or the Divine being who has entered into mortals. He is
also Surya or Savitar, the Sun or the solar logos. He is the Divine presence which pervades all
creation. Vishnu literally means "the Pervader" as he is the immanent
divine consciousness that gives order to the worlds, which by its three steps measures our creation.