Integral Yoga : Raj Yoga
All Yogas tend to be integral as all the yogic paths are related. Though
one may move primarily in one of these directions, usually aspects of
the others are employed as well. An intensity of devotion may bring about the awakening of knowledge,
for example. An awakening of knowledge may lead to the arousing of devotion.
Some Yogas aim very consciously at combining all these different approaches to allow for a
complete and full development of the nature. Others, like the Yoga of knowledge,
aim at a more direct and immediate ascent and are not as concerned with a comprehensive approach.
They see the comprehensiveness coming naturally from the realization
of the Self.
Raja Yoga is the classical system of Yoga of Patanjali in the YOGA SUTRAS. It is a form of
integral yoga as it employs knowledge, devotion and techniques. It is
primarily a path of knowledge, however.
Rajas Yoga has eight parts or limbs,
These are
yama (right attitudes),
niyama (right observances),
asana (posture),
pranayama (breath control),