The Astral Plane
Most subtle experiences gained in Yoga come through the astral plane, the realm of imagination.
On the astral plane whatever we imagine about ourselves we can experience as true.
Hence the
astral plane is the realm of illusion. While the Divine can be reached
through the higher astral plane, we can also find the Divine in the physical without ever opening up to
the astral, or we can open up to the causal plane directly (which has a
special link to the physical) so as to avoid the dangers of the astral.
Yoga, Shamanism and Channeling
Yoga is one means of exploring the occult realms of nature. This,
however, is not the main focus of Yoga, which is to go beyond
nature, but a sidelight. There are other means of exploring these
subtle realms as in magic, occultism and shamanism. These things can
be part of a subtler form of science wherein we discover the hidden
forces behind the world. There is nothing wrong with exploring them
but they are still only phenomenal. The higher forms of
Shamanism are much like Yoga. They aim at a greater development of
awareness and self-knowledge towards the liberation of the Spirit
from all bondage to the external. The lower forms of Shamanism may,
however, get us caught in the illusions of the astral plane.