Yoga of Knowledge : Jnana Yoga
Our most basic projection is our self-image, which is our "I am the body idea". Yet we can observe our
body grow and decline. We can perceive it as an instrument or vehicle we use but as different from
who we really are. If we are perceptive we can discern that our basic consciousness or state of
seeing is ever pure, beyond all external changes. Though our body may age and our thoughts may
change our seeing is eternal. As long as we are identified with the body, or through it with any external
thing, we must suffer, because all external things are transient and we
long for eternal and permanent happiness. Our very longing for this lasting happiness is proof of our
nature in consciousness as blissful and pure.
This does not mean that the body is bad or sinful or to be denied. It is
the best vehicle nature can provide. Yet it is only a vehicle. It is no more
who we are than our car is. In no longer identifying with the body, we
come to treat it properly and no longer abuse it for personal gratification.