The Yoga of Technique : Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga works with the seed energy of the subtle body, called
Kundalini or the Serpent Power. It is said to reside in the root chakra and
contain within itself all the power of consciousness. Kundalini has become a relatively familiar term
today and some of us think that spiritual development is only possible through it. It is interesting
to note, however, than in many ancient and classical teachings Kundalini was not considered so
important and is not always mentioned. It is not directly mentioned in the Vedas,
Upanishads or Puranas.
In the Yoga of knowledge, energy is thought to follow awareness. Therefore the emphasis is on
developing the power of attention. In the Yoga of devotion, energy is
thought to follow love. Kundalini may not be recognized apart from
the intense power of devotion or attention. In neither of these other
two systems of Yoga is any special method for awakening the Kundalini
required. It is usually to supplement these two Yogas or in the absence
of their full power that methods to arouse the Kundalini may be used.
In this regard Kundalini practices can be an important part of these
two paths as well.