The River Of Heaven |
Books By David Frawley |
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It should be noted that Kundalini
can be aroused artificially by a willful, forced or egoistic practice. It
can also be stimulated by drugs or extreme emotional reactions. If the
nature is not purified the Kundalini may only serve to aggrandize the
ego. It tends to magnify our nature, so that if our nature is not yet
attuned to the Divine Will, it may magnify our weaknesses. Hence Kundalini practices do have their
possible side-effects and should be done with care. The proper awakening of the Kundalini is
through Divine grace. This does not mean that any effort on our part
is not useful but that our effort must be to attune ourselves to the grace.
Merely to arouse Kundalini is not an end in itself. The goal is to move
more deeply into peace. When power is not part of peace it always becomes destructive. The
premature arousing of the Kundalini can burn up the nervous system. It
can limit or prevent our spiritual growth for perhaps the rest of our
Kundalini can be used up to the level of the third chakra or solar plexus to increase the powers of
the ego. According the Vedas and Puranas even the demons practice Yoga up to this level
because it gives them more power. The critical mind of the third chakra often
considers itself to be enlightened. It does have the power to see through and control other
personalities. It sees the limitations in others. However, it cannot see
the Divine presence in others, or its own limitations and usually becomes caught in some process
of manipulation. Most false gurus operate on this level.
The arousing of the Kundalini is usually brought about through a coordination of posture, breath
and mantra, along with certain visualizations. The Kundalini itself is
looked upon as the deity, as the Goddess, the high priestess who leads us into the Divine realms of
our higher nature.
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