- Venugopalaswamy Aalayaam
is indeed strange and awe-inspiring to learn that even a crane a winged creature
too has realized the sacredness of this kshetra and offered soulful prayers to
the archamurti Venugopalaswamy after bathing in the holy Triveni. This highly
venerated temple is said to have been built by Pandyan kings. The sculpture and
architectural pattern confirms to the Dravidian style of construction. In the
past, says the sthalapurana. It was visited by devout Paramahamsa for offering
prayers to this lord. Its bygone splendour occupies an eminent place in
literature. One poet by name Kasulu Purusham composed one hundred sweet verses
and immortalized the divinity of the Lord. The mulavirat, Venugopalaswamy
appears with a tint of blue colour, perhaps to be in tune with his attribute
Neelameghasyama. The annual festival falls in the month of Magha and lasts for 8
days. Thousands visit and offer special prayers then.
lies 6 km off Kodur of Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh, commanding bus
transport convenience.