- Kesavaswamy Aalayam
historical name of this place was, Pundrapura and it was ruled by King
Chandi-aketu. Gangapura Mahatmya extols its past grandeur, but the certainty of
the period eludes grip. Another evidence attributes to its ruler Jaya
lakshmipathi Rayadu, but here also the date is left to conjecture. In the ninth
century it was under the hegemony of western Chalukyas and it was then a great
Jain kshetra. A funny incident is related about the enemy, Adirajendra of
Chalukyan Prince Someswar, who after razing the capital and leveling it to the
ground level ploughed it with donkeys to sowing parantaka seeds. An act
abominable! The next awful incident was, the invasion of it by Virasaivas, who
converted the famous Jain Parswanatha mandir into Virabhadralayam. Some pieces
of evidence testify to this ruthless act.
during the rule of Somanadri, he made many changes and built places of worship.
Among them, the building of Kesavalayam merits first mention. On finding the
beautiful icon of Kesavaswamy, while ploughing the land near the entrance of the
present temple, he built a decent temple for Kesava, his Kuladaivam and endowed
lands etc. for its maintenance. Agamic worship is offered in the temple and
people are visiting in large number. Periodical festivals are celebrated with
due devotional zeal.
lies 10 km off Gadwal of Andhra 13-adesh and enjoys all transport facilities.