- Lakshminarayanaswamy Aalayam
kshetra was also called Nannur, on account of four hundred temples that came
into existence here during the reign of Rajaraja Narendra of Chalukya dyanasty,
The imperial patronage converted a vast 15 acre land into temple nagar with 400
temples for gods of all denominations. The superb architecture and excellent
sculpture exuding from every structure raises hands in veneration. Though many
of them tasted the ravages of time, the existing few speak the glory of the
builders. Several inscriptions testify to the liberal endowments given to them
by patrons. Among the existing temples carrying on regular worship
Iakshminarayana temple merits first mention. It is an independent temple
possessing all the parts and celebrating annual festival on a moderate scale.
The icons of Lakshminarayanaswamy display supreme craftsmanship and elevates the
souls of the visitors at first sight itself. The annual festival falls on
Vaisakha and is celebrated with great pomp due.
lies 6 km off Karimnagar, the district headquarters town of Andhra Pradesh,
commanding bus facilities.