- Channakesavaswamy Aalayam
is one among the Chaturvimsati - 24 forms and names of Sri Mahavishnu. Each name
has a distinct meaning and every syllable spells a definite drift. When combined
they embody rich signification that surprises the readers. The connotation
differs from denotation, as the latter owns not the allusion intended
deliberately. Deep probe alone throws up both import and purport of the word.
That is the beauty of sanskrit language and hence its claim for primacy and the
title - Mother of languages. This form of Mahavishnu invariably holds conch in
his right hand and disc in the left. If equipped with these potent weapons, the
form is to be named Kesava. In the word, Channakesava. The prefix Channa
signifies the infinite beauty, better say hypnotizing handsomeness. Whenever the
name Channakesava is uttered, there must flash across the minds the mesmerizing
form of Vishnu holding conch in the right hand and disc in the left. The makers of icons of any material whatsoever, bear this
basic fact in their minds and fashion it according to the well-defined cannons.
sthalapurana of this ancient kshetra is quite gripping and enhances the sanctity
of the place. It is said that when Parasuram, the impetuous, ebullient young
chick severed his mother's head at the behest of his father Jamadagni with his
mighty Parasu, the Kabandha, the body sans head fell at this place making it
holier. So it is called Helamba kshetra, means thereby it is Yellamma's holy
region - Yellamma is the colloquial name for Renuka, the mother of Parasuram. In
this sacrosanct place, a beautiful temple for Chennakesava was built in the
past. It contains all the essential temple parts. Here the archamurti is made of
black granite and holds conch in the right hand and disc in the left. Perhaps to
be consonant with the meaning, the icon is sculptured extremely beautiful and
enthralls the viewers. The temple contains many mini-shrines for the
there are other shrines here, like Anjaneyaalayam, Helamba Alayam, this
Channakesavalayam exerts greater pull, and so a steady stream of visitors every
day, besides thousands during the annual festival falling in Pushya masa and it
lasts for four days. Agamic worship is offered every day.
It lies 5 km off Alampur station on the Kurnool-Bombay broad guage line buses,
from Kurnool town are available always.