- Venugopalaswamy Aalayam
antiquity dates back to Dwaparayuga, when Chyavanaka maharshi did penance here.
And on fulfillment of his desire with the blessings of God, he settled down here
thereafter. During the digging operation of a big thataka, he found two
beautiful icons of Venugopalaswamy here. Desiring to share his fortune to the
common people drowned materialistic pursuits, he built two temples, one for each
of the charming idols he found. Of the two temples that came into existence one
is still found here, of course, with renovations carried on by the rulers and
public from time to time; and the other is at Vallur. Similar is its
back-ground. Many literary luminaries who authored great philosophical works
with the grace of this Lord lived, thrived and died here. The Lord blesses the
genuine devotees ungrudgingly and abundantly. Hence a steady stream of visitors.
Nityanaimithika worship is offered with due reverence. All the periodical
festivals dear to the Lord, like Janmashtami are celebrated here with great fervor.
It lies 15 km off of Gadwal of Andhra Pradesh, enjoying transport facilities.