- Venugopalaswamy Aalayam
as Saiva kshetra predominantly and known as Poulastyapuram in the past, this
ancient pilgrim centre contains a famous temple built for Venugopalaswamy.
Despite eclipsed by the primacy of the Poulastheera temple, its pull is neither
less, nor do adorers visit once in a blue moon. The august Mulavirat
Venugopalaswamy attracts the devout public by his diverse sports just as he
enthralled the cows and the gopikas with his venunadha in the Dwaparayuga. The
temple though modest in dimensions possesses all the parts, and agamic worship
is offered with great devotional fervor. During the annual festivals, the lords
exert greater attraction on the devotees with grand decorations, when people
offer special prayer services. This place is specially noted for the unique
temple dedicated to Eakavira Devi, very few of such type are found elsewhere.
And this place was called in the dim past Rishipalli due to settlement of large
number of sages here and carrying on divine activities.
is 6 km off Jagityala, the taluq headquarters town of the same name in the
Karimnagar district of Andhra Pradesh, commanding rail and road facilities from
several points. It is a famous railhead too.