- Venugopalaswamy Aalayam
is a well-built modern temple in the place of an ancient one lying in the khilla
of Muslim kings, the erst-while rulers of this region. It was built on a mound
in the fort, standing on the hillock of the village and so was appropriately
called Killagutta Aalayam. boon after the exit, of the Muslim rulers, the
enthusiastic devout Hindus built a grand temple for Venugopalaswamy and
installed a charming granite mulavirat for regular worship. The annual festival
in the month of Phalguna is celebrated with great
religious fervor. In addition to this, Desikar Utsav is celebrated with
unparalleled zeal on Sravana Nakshatra during the auspicious Kanyasankramana
hour. It is a unique celebration of this temple drawing huge crowds.
village lies in Palamur district of Andhra Pradesh, having bus transport