Channakesavaswamy Aalayam
Brahmanda Purana embodies an exhaustive account of the glory of this
shrine. And it is said to have been built solely by one devout adorer by name
Vasamuni Channakesavulu in 1233, unlike by the ruling princess as found
elsewhere. It contains in its vast compound a separate Viranjaneyaswamy Alayam,
where daily pujas are conducted independently, among which Aakupuja takes precedence over others and it is preferred by all visitors.
This ancient temple faces east and possesses a sturdy compound walls and
Mahadwaram with an imposing tower. The courtyards are vast and are adorned
with many mini-shrines for parivaradevatas. The Mulavirat is installed with his
consorts Sridevi and Bhudevi, and is facing east. It is an ace feat of the sculptor
that wrings veneration by its graceful features. A rare yearly occurrence is reported
to take place here, and its uniqueness deemed a great miracle is attracting huge
crowds on Ugadi - the Telugu New Year's day. A bright shaft of Sun's rays falls on
the holy feet of the Lord on this day and is believed to be the Sun's offering
worship to this august image on that auspicious day. It is a 3 day phenomenon,
begins two days prior to Ugadi - falling of rays on head on the first day, on the
navel the second day and finally on the feet on the Ugadi. Agamic puja is
regularly and on account of recent renovation with additions., its importance is
waxing. A visit worthy Vaishnava kshetra of great spiritual significance.
Special prayer services are offered on periodical festivals, like Ugadi and
Mukkoti, when huge crowds visit ante avail the darsan.
lit-s on the bank of Pinakini river at a distance of 12 km from Nellore, the
district headquarters town of Andhra Pradesh, enjoying bus convenience.