Bobbili - Sri Venugopalaswamy
Venugopalaswamy is the ilavelpu of the Rajas of Bobbili, Andhra' Pradesh, who
earned for themselves as the honorific title of valorous rulers and protectors
of Dharma of a unique type. They built in their capital Bobbili, a befitting
shrine for their house-hold deity Sri Venugopalaswamy and allowed public also to
worship this Lord of cow-herds for carefree virtuous life. The temple built with
imposing dimensions and adorned with superb sculpture with mini-shrines for
adorable deities has been luring public for over centuries. The archamurti is a
specimen of supreme artistry of the sculpture and it casts a spell on the
adorers, the moment they come into the sannidhi. Not only it feasts the eyes,
but fills the souls of the adorers, if they accept Him as their Savior
on total unconditional surrender to His will. The Rajas were offering soulful
prayers before taking decision of every important state affair, whether during
times of war or peace. As the Lord rained munificent blessings, their progress
became enviable and inimitable. Regular ritualistic worship is offered with due
veneration both by public and royal household. The Periodical festivals
celebrated on grand scale are drawing huge crowds and they are justifying the
status and dignity of the rulers.
lies in the Bobbili town of Andhra Pradesh, accessible by train or bus.